This is Menomena's 3rd release, and 2nd album-album. This is quite different from Fun Blame Monster, actually. Where Fun Blame Monster was minimalistic, Friend and Foe is quite full of wonderful sounds. The loops method used in Fun Blame Monster are still used here, but you can barely tell - like I said the album sounds very full, as if it were made by more than three multi-instrumentalist dudes. This album focuses much more on vocals and vocal harmonies, most obvious in the greatest song ever written by man,
Rotten Hell.
The package itself is pretty sweet too - the insert has a plethera of doodles and some holes, where, using the CD (also filled with doodles) can be filled to make various matches with the disc and insert. It's fun to play with.
Check it out, yo
So after listening to a couple songs and seeing you make multiple posts about them, I saw that they have a newly released album. Like, as in, released today. I take it you're getting it? ;)